I present you with 2010- A Year In Review, as seen through the lens of Ryan Ademan. These photos aren't all awesome, perfectly composed shots, but they all hold memories to me that I wont soon forget.
This was the result of the fall of my old Kodak from the top of a concrete bridge. Damn near broke both my ankles trying to save it, to no avail.
The 716 Drain
DeadEnd Drain
The ACI Catwalk
The Hotel Adler
Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility
Automatic Machine Products- Pre demo
Automatic Machine Products- Predawn
The APEX Catwalk
Random Attleboro Rooftop
Random Billboard
Bowling Pin Tunnel
The 500' Crane
The 500' Crane
The Burnt Out Factory
CandyCorn General Hospital
St. Louis Christian School
The Complex Rooftop
The Complex
Dever State School
Dever State School
Dever State School
Dever State School
Fitchburg Central Steamplant
The Floral Mill
Foxboro State Hospital
Foxboro State Hospital
Foxboro State Hospital
Foxboro State Hospital
The Freedom Patch Express
Gaebler Children's Center
Glass Kitty Greenhouse
The Doll House
Hudson River Psychiatric Center
The Imperial Bath House
The Veterans House
Hudson River Psychiatric Center
Mansfield Training Center
McLean Hospital
Mass Mental Health Center(RIP)
Multi Building Mill
The Murder Factory
Norwich State Hospital
Norwich State Hospital
Norwich State Hospital
Norwich State Hospital(Fuck you Caveman)
Norwich State Hospital
Norwich State Hospital
The Office
The Lab
120' Water Tank
Red Rock Mini Golf
Rosewood Manor
RoundTop Church
Frozen In Time
St. Chalupa's
TapeArt Tunnel
The Lab
Thompson Chemical Co
Random Rooftop
Tower Dye Mill
East Side Rail Tunnel
The Trees Gave Eyes Car Graveyard
The Turn Style
Turkey Vulture Long Lines Tower
Union Wadding Co(RIfuckingP)
Union Wadding Co
Union Wadding Co
Union Wadding Co
WWII House
Dever State School
The Weekapog Hotel
We've had a blast this year exploring with some amazing people. We met dozens of new explorers and hooked up with many old friends. We introduced a few new explorers to the Abandoned Dreams line up this year and had a few sink back into the darkness too. As always, hundreds of group and self portraits were taken this year along our travels. Here's a small portion of them. Some really good memories I'll never forget are attached to these photos.
Turrel, Allsion, Cambria, Mr. Meister, and Ryan Ademan outside of the 716 drain.
Allsion lights up a tunnel at Foxboro State Hospital.
Cambria, Turrel, Allsion, and Ryan Ademan after a UE Picnic at the Balfour Mill.
Keti Fallout, BlackOmegaX, Matt Fallout, and Cambria leaving Colonial Knife Co.
Zeke takes in the views from atop the old Providence Power Plant.
Cambria, Ryan Ademan, and Zeke at Hudson River Psychiatric Center.
Ryan Ademan, James Ascent, and SecondLandingDave after failing a now conquered 120' water tank.

Ryan Ademan, Cambria, GrayFox and some chick who's name escapes me wear oxygen masks inside Dever State School.
ClimbingDoug, Keti Fallout, Cambria, and Ryan Ademan on the old Providence Power Plant.
ClimbingDoug and Ryan Ademan ghosting themselves in the GloryBowl.
ClimbingDoug and Ryan Ademan inside the TapeArt Tunnel.
ClimbingDoug spinning steel wool on the Seekonk River Train Bridge.
Keti and Matt Fallout, Turrel, Cambria, and Ryan Ademan expressing their opinions on draining.
Ryan Ademan, ErinGH, Cambria, ClimbingDoug, Clahhhkie, and a shit ton of hip-shits at The Adler.
ClimbingDoug, Ryan Ademan, and Cambria mirrored at CandyCorn Hospital.
ClimbingDoug, Cambria, and Ryan Ademan at the mouth of the GloryBowl.
Turrel, Allsion, Ryan Ademan, and Cambria after UE Picnic(2).
ClimbingDoug, Cambria, Keti Fallout, and Ryan Ademan on the abandoned highway.
Keti Fallout, ClimbingDoug, Clahhhkie, and Ryan Ademan underneath the Washington Bridge.
I don't remember who is who, but I'm fairly certain the people in the photo are AbandonedNH, ClimbingDoug, Mysterea, Matt Fallout, Keti Fallout, Keith Fallout, Cambria, Ryan Ademan, and Clahhhkie(?). I'm probably wrong about that though.
Ryan Ademan, Cambria, Turrel, and PurpleHayze in the DeadEnd Drain.
Turrel, Ryan Ademan, and Cambria lounging after exploring.
Cambria, Ryan Ademan, and Turrel during the 2010 flood.
Keti Fallout and BlackOmegaX on the train bridge.
Allsion, Turrel, Clahhhkie, April, and Ryan Ademan at Leavens Awards.
Cambria, Ryan Ademan, ClimbingDoug, and VonWolfie outside Mansfield Training Center.
Keti Fallout, ClimbingDoug, and Ryan Ademan unwind with some TV at Norwich State Hospital.
Ryan Ademan in a straight jacket at Norwich State Hospital.
Allsion with Ryan Ademan after climbing her first rooftop.
Ryan Ademan during the AMP demolition.
Ryan Ademan climbing up to the APEX Catwalk.
Ryan Ademan through the eyes of a doorknob at The Floral Mill.
Ryan Ademan scaling a water tank at The Complex.
Ryan Ademan and ClimbingDoug inside a pagoda at The SteelYard.
Ryan Ademan and ClimbingDoug at Union Wadding, just days before the fire that leveled it.
Ryan Ademan in a mirror at Foxboro State Hospital.
Ryan Ademan taking a bath at Norwich State Hospital.
Ryan Ademan working the power plant at Norwich State Hospital.
Ryan Ademan getting religious on the roof of a local church.
Turrel, Ryan Ademan, and Cambria out in the Union Wadding lunch courtyard.
Cambria and Ryan Ademan in a tunnel at some location.
Ryan Ademan, Clahhhkie, and Allsion in the Dever State School Tunnels.
Ryan Ademan on top of the Turn Style Bridge
Ryan Ademan on some rooftop.
Ryan Ademan on some other rooftop.
Cambria at AMP
LittleAshley and Cambria taking a break from the Graffiti Note 2010.
Turrel, Cambria, and Ryan Ademan outside The Complex.
Cambria and Ryan Ademan inside a boiler at Fitchburg Power Plant.
Cambria and Ryan Ademan at Hudson River Psych
Cambria and Ryan Ademan at somewhere
Cambria and Ryan Ademan posing next to the front page Abandoned Dreams article.
Ryan Ademan and Cambria on Union Wadding Co.
Ryan Ademan and Cambria in God's Home For Children.
Clahhhkie and Cambria through a missing rivet at the Train Bridge.
Cambria outside of Union Wadding.
Clahhhkie. Ryan Ademan, Cambria, and Injektilo at St. Chalupa's.
Ryan Ademan, Cambria, Turrel, Allsion, and Clahhhkie in Union Wadding.
To all the people we've had the pleasure of exploring with this year:
Some of us have gotten along from the start. Some of us have had problems in the past. Some of us have stopped talking. You've all made an impact in some way or another, and I'm happy to say I've met most of you. Some of you still suck.
To All the fans who've stuck with us this long:
Thanks so much for checking out our page. It really means a lot, since I know I'm a terrible photographer. We've definitely had fun, and can only hope you've enjoyed some of what you've seen here in the past. We hope you'll continue to follow our shenanigans at our new website for 2011. you can find the site at:
Your photos are AMAZING!!!! I really enjoyed your "year in review"!
ReplyDeleteThank you much Emily
ReplyDeleteAwesome-ness man, I appreciate the updates to the website and the awesome pictures you've posted! Hope to meet you one day and join you in your urban explorations. R.I.P. Union Wadding
ReplyDeleteNow that we're friends on FB, I'll make it happen. There's some gems in your city I'll show you around this summer.
ReplyDeleteAre you on reddit?
Me and my fiance, Cambria are both Reddit users. This is her set.